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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey y’all! Long time, no see.


Lots of life has been happening over here in Guatemala. 


Something the Lord has been specifically teaching me right now is about capacity and balance.


This also has to do with decision making and priorities. 


More specifically, because there are so many good things to choose from in life. And it’s always the hardest to choose between multiple good things! I find myself asking the question, what are the good things you want me to say yes to, Lord?


Coming back to capacity and balance, if we are saying yes to things and commitments on our schedule out of our own capacity, we will very quickly run out of margin in our lives. I’ve found this to be true.


But the beautiful thing I’m learning is that when we are in constant communion with the Father, saying yes to the things He wants us to say yes to, we can draw our strength from His strength, when we might not have the capacity on our own.


This sounds all great and everything, but it’s easier said than done. We have to base our decisions wholly on direction from the Father, being sensitive to the leading of Holy Spirit. Our decisions can’t be based on what others expect of us, or appearances, or even our own desires. Sometimes God might be leading us to pour ourselves out in a full day of ministry, and other times it might be the sacrifice of dedicating our day to Him, stepping back from social commitments, to spend time in His presence. 


That’s why it’s so hard – it’s not black and white at all. We have to be in constant communication with Holy Spirit, listening to His still small voice. Often, I don’t get it right.


However, it is infinitely easier to choose between multiple good choices of how to spend our time (or what to do with our lives!) when we are leaning on His direction. Without that guidance, I would simply be paralyzed by these types of decisions. Sometimes, it still feels that way. But praise the Lord! He doesn’t leave us on our own, not for one second. 


Not only does He give us the power to hear His voice, but He will give us the strength we need in order to walk out in obedience, whatever that looks like. We don’t have to look through our own eyes of human understanding to make decisions of how to use our time. While we might not feel like we have the margin to do something on our own, if it’s what God is leading us to do, He will give us the strength to do it. And maybe it feels too hard to say no to some commitments, but if it’s what God is leading us to do, it will be exactly what we need, and He’ll give us the strength to do it.


This is something I’ve been meditating on recently. It’s a long, ongoing process, but how kind the Father is, to teach us this. 


And in the midst of the times I still mess up, either over-committing myself or under-committing myself, or remaining in indecision, He so tenderly calls me back to Himself. 


Matthew 11:28-30 says,


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”


The yoke that He gives us is perfectly fashioned for us to carry. As long as we take HIS yoke upon us, it will be the one He gives us the strength to carry.


Like, whoa! That’s incredible! I don’t want to carry my own yoke and my own burdens anymore. I’m tired of thinking I know the best uses for my time. 


Jesus says, “Come to me…. Let me teach you”


I just want to respond to that gentle call. Don’t you?


I challenge you to give yourself the space to seriously ask God to give you the discernment to obey His guidance when it comes to how you use your time. It’s all His anyway, right? I want that to be my prayer every day.


Thank you so much for reading! God is doing incredible things here in Guatemala, and I am beyond grateful for everyone who has supported me and continues to support me in this leading from God. I don’t know exactly what He has up His sleeve, but I know it’s going to be incredible. Thank you so much for following along!

2 responses to “Do You Trust God With Your Time?”

  1. Shanan,
    That passage in Matthew 11 has become one of my favorites in recent years, especially in The Message paraphrase:
    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

    A few years ago, a shortened version was taught to me as a bit of a chant for my daily walk; it’s as if Jesus is saying to us, “Walk with me, work with me, watch how I do it. Walk with me, work with me, watch how I do it.” Can you hear the cadence? Some days when the decisions or the obedience is harder than others, that chant tumbles over and over in my mind, and I am reminded that Jesus is right beside me, showing me His ways. He is always with me.

    Thanks for the reminder.