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Time here in Georgia seems to flow differently. It has simultaneously breezed by, and yet seems like it’s been an eternity. However, now that I will be leaving for Thanksgiving break in 14 days, and we’ll only be on campus for another two weeks after, the time we have left here seems so limited and as something to truly treasure. That fact has led me to ponder all the things I’ll miss when this Georgia season is over: hence, this blog! These are in no particular order!

  1. Sleeping in my tent! Believe it or not, I will actually miss my tent days a little! My tent has become a little home to me, and I’ve actually gotten some great nights of sleep in there. It’s pretty cozy!

  2. Scheduled devotional time! It has been such a joy having a specific part of the day set aside for spending time with God, and I’ll definitely miss having that time built into my schedule.

  3. The beautiful sunrises and sunsets! I’ve seen some super pretty ones since being here!

  4. The amazing sessions! It’s so cool to be constantly filled up with spiritual food while being here! I’ve been growing in both my knowledge of God and my intimacy with Him, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

  5. The simplicity of life! Even though it’s hard at times, I do truly think this is a sweet season of simplicity. Staying on campus has removed a lot of options, creating a minimalistic climate. 

  6. Being outside all the time! Sometimes it’s really hard being influenced so heavily by the weather, but I’ve also enjoyed getting to spend so much time in nature.

  7. Extended time to bond with the squad! Of course, we’ll still be together overseas, but these three months in Georgia have given us a unique opportunity to intentionally invest into each other outside of scheduled times. It’s made me want to continue making that a big priority after launching in January!

  8. Local ministry! It’s been such an unexpected opportunity to do local ministry here in Georgia! It’s stretching and pushing me in so many ways. I know I’ll look back on this time with fondness as we move on to different ministry opportunities.

  9. The actual state of Georgia! I just think the state is so pretty, and the weather really isn’t too shabby, even though it rains more than I’d like! I’ll miss my time living here!

I think it’s super important to be thankful for and to make the most of the season you’re in! Making this list really helped me take a moment to reflect and appreciate where I’m at – I challenge you to take some time and evaluate the season you’re in – what are you thankful for? What will you miss from this time? We can all use a little perspective!

Thank you so much for reading! As of right now, I still need $1,270 more to reach my November 15th deadline – that’s in 8 days!! I would love it if you could ask the Lord how you can help me reach my deadline – whether that’s sharing my story with others, praying for me, or contributing financially! We are currently doing local ministry in Gainesville, and it’s confirmed that we are launching overseas to Central and South America in January, so your funds are helping to share God’s love with others in tangible ways!!

bonus picture of me eating cookies from home inside my tent! it was definitely a highlight hahaha

3 responses to “9 Things I Will Miss About Living in Georgia on the Adventures in Missions Campus”

  1. It has been a sweet time for all of you there. It’s great that you’re sitting back to reflect on what it means to be with the squad in Georgia. It’s also interesting to see the different perspectives I love that you were talking about how much you enjoyed the outdoors. Nature is an awesome way to get close to God. I kmow you’ll think very fondly of the time spent there.