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A picture of Team Firme, including our alumni team leader Anna and our squad leader Philip!

Dear Team Firme,

Thank you so much for all you’ve taught me. You’ve seen so much of my heart, and you still love me the same. You’ve seen my strengths and weaknesses; you’ve pointed out what I’m doing well and you’ve gently called me to a higher standard.

Through our vulnerability with each other and the Lord, barriers have been broken down, and you’ve made me feel at home. You’ve created a safe space to be myself and you’ve given me grace. Even when it was hard, we’ve learned to invest into each other.

We’ve gone through all the “firsts” together: our first team time, our first squad church, our first ministry day, our team testimonies. It makes me sad that we’ve already finished our “lasts.” Our last Bible project team time, our last feedback session together as a team. And all too soon, we finished our last fun team time together in this imperfectly beautiful unit.

We’ve laughed together, we’ve cried together. God gave me you as a gift for the season I was in, because He knew how much I needed you. Because God let me do all my firsts with you, I know I’m prepared to do a second round of firsts with my new team.

I’m so thankful for all you’ve taught me, but most importantly, I’m thankful for you. Team Firme, you’ll always have a piece of my heart.

Love, Shanan

P.S. Firme (feer – meh) means “steadfast” in Spanish – steadfast was a word that stood out to our team for the season we were in. God is still using it to minister to me now – His love remains steadfast even through all the changes we’re going through! (more on that later…)

8 responses to “Goodbye, Team Firme”

  1. Wow. Love this Shanan. I really am honored to have been able to witness and help lead this team. Excited for everything y’all will experience for the rest of this Race!

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your team and the time we’ve had together. I especially love how are you gave credit to our Lord for placing all of you together to meet each other‘s needs during this time. You are a beautiful writer Shanan. Big hugs for teen firme!

  3. Shanan,
    Someone read your blog aloud yesterday at my kitchen table (most of your leadership team is at my house right now). I was bustling about over at the sink, doing dishes, and your sweet words brought tears to my eyes. All the firsts, all the lasts you didn’t even know you were having. Pandemic continues to steal from us what we anticipate, plan on, expect, think we need. The closure you all will miss these last two weeks that are now not going to happen in Gainesville is not missed by the Father. He sees. He knows. He still loves us well. There is no “pulling the rug out from under” the feet of those who follow Jesus. It feels like that sometimes, especially this year, but God’s faithfulness to us permeates every change, every cancellation, every disappointment. We stand not on shifting sand, but have our feet firmly planted on the Rock of our Savior. Thanks for sharing. That steadfastness is beautiful to behold right now.