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This is one of the last pictures I took of our campsite before it was vacated completely – to me it symbolizes the start of another new season, and it also represents all the changes happening around here!

Some big changes are happening around here. Not only are we launching to Guatemala (WOOHOO!), but because of various reasons (the main one being that our ministry hosts in Guatemala need 7-8 person teams), the leadership team for our squad decided with much prayer that the girls on my squad would need to be rearranged into two new teams, versus the original four teams. As a refresher, teams on the World Race are the specific group of people that we intentionally invest in through scheduled team times during the week, and they are the ones we do ministry with.

This was a super abrupt change for all of us, because normally gap year squads don’t undergo any team changes, and we expected to remain on our original teams for the entire duration of the nine months. As I wondered why God would have let me grow close to my first team only to have it taken away, He gave me a glimpse of His perspective. My first team was such a sweet gift for the season I was in, even though I didn’t realize it at first. I rediscovered so much of my identity in Christ and learned to step out into both vulnerability and trust through my first little team (I only had two teammates plus my team leader). Now, God is pushing me farther. I’ll need to take all the things I learned in the intimate setting of my first team and apply them in the larger group of my new team (a team with seven other people on it!). All along, He was preparing me for this change, even though I didn’t know it. Thanks God!

I now know that God’s hand is over and through this whole process. This wasn’t a decision made lightly by leadership, and even though it’s hard, I can already feel anticipation growing within me. God has made it clear that this new team will be an opportunity for growth and a way for me to be refined to look like Him even more. When I prayed over my new team, Romans 12:4-6 came to mind. It says,

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well….”

As I was meditating on how we are all different pieces of the same body, the word “mosaic” popped into my head. What a beautiful word to describe my new team! We are all different pieces, broken yet beautiful in our own way. Together, through Jesus, we make up one incredible masterpiece. Both individually and collectively, we are God’s masterpiece! And God can move each of us to make us into something new for His purpose. I love God’s creativity!

So, even when it gets hard, and on the down days when the reality of my new team sinks in, I am choosing to hold onto the beautiful image God gave me. These people have been placed in my path for a reason, and I believe in a God who takes us from glory to glory: from good thing to even better thing. He’s giving me everything I need to face each new challenge as it comes, even when it doesn’t feel like it. He always wants what is best for me, and He has a plan for this team. Introducing Team Mosaic!

Thank you so much for reading! Currently I am in need of a total of $5,010. The Lord has provided so much so far, but I am still in need of support. I really feel that the Lord has put new connections on my heart – I would prayerfully ask you to consider who you may know of that would possibly be interested in hearing about my gap year mission! Please, please, reach out if God puts anyone on your heart! Once again, thank you for all the support so far!

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