
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In no particular order, these are just a few of the ways Guatemala has touched my heart!

  1. The hospitality and friendliness of the people. It’s astounding to me how readily families will welcome us into their homes, and then do their best to make us feel comfortable and at ease. 

  2. The grace given to us – from people when we make mistakes in our Spanish, to our ministry hosts when they invite us into helping with things we don’t yet know how to do.

  3. The beautiful landscape. There’s just something so awe-inspiring to see massive volcanoes all around. Thanks God, for creating such incredible beauty and diversity in this earthly world.

  4. Street food (safe street food only, haha). There’s just something about a steaming hot pupusa for 3Q or an avocado and salsa tostada for 2Q. It’s just incredible.

  5. The markets! Such a fun and organized chaos. Fresh fruits and vegetables arrayed in a myriad of colors. It’s so fun to shop here!

  6. The little town of Parramos. A couple squadmates and I spent our first couple weeks fundraising in this town, and it stole our hearts, little by little. The kindness of the people, the quaint little coffee shop (shout out to Melendrez Coffee!), the familiar streets, Sarita’s (only the best ice cream place ever), the Dispensa Familiar, and our friend at the thrift shop!

  7. Speaking of towns, San Lorenzo! This is the town we did ministry in. Its most prominent feature is the super-steep hill going up the middle of the town – my training and preparation for Acatenango! The people here in San Lorenzo will always have a place in my heart. The faces of children forever embedded in my mind, and the gentle kindness and hospitality of their parents.

  8. I can’t forget Comalapa! This town is the location of One Way Community’s newest outreach. It has its own charm, and I truly love it. We’ve always been welcomed into peoples’ homes here, and it’s so sweet to listen to their stories. Not to mention, Comalapa is home to the best street food I’ve eaten 😉

  9. The sunsets here! There are so many beautiful sunsets – it reminds me of home. I love seeing the beautiful canvas of the sky fill with God’s paintbrush strokes.

  10. Teresa and Sandra, the base cooks! They are such sweet ladies, and they serve us with kindness and happiness. They give us unmerited love, and it’s so touching. Don’t worry Teresa, I’ll teach my mom the recipe for your tortillas. I won’t forget you both!

  11. The One Way Community team! Wow, I love them so much. It’s so humbling and inspiring to see their passion and their persistence in ministry. It’s been an honor to work alongside them, and to be their friends. I will miss them all so much! They’ve taught me many lessons, and I won’t soon forget them. Also, they’ve helped me with my Spanish immensely, and I’m very grateful for that.

  12. The Spanish language! My passion for it has been reignited; it’s so beautiful to hear it spoken and to have the privilege of learning more every day.

  13. The Adventures in Guatemala base staff! It’s so cool to see their heart for this country and for their ministry, and the way they’ve welcomed us in with open arms is such an honor!

Thanks for reading! Please keep me in your prayers as my squad and I transition to Costa Rica in the next few weeks! God is always doing big things; I can’t wait to see what He’ll continue to do during these next few months.

3 responses to “13 Ways Guatemala Has Touched My Heart”

  1. You are really taking in all that’s around you. I love to hear you share about the people their hospitality, and the great beauty of the land. May God pour out his Spirit on you so that you may be able to see beyond what most call material things and continue to dive deep with how God is working in your life.

  2. Shanan, I love this! I’m a list-maker too, and recounting God’s blessings in our lives is an endless occupation. If we only pay attention, the little ways He blesses us every single day are more than we can count. Guatemala will remain in your heart for a lifetime, and you’ll be looking back thirty or forty years from now with fond recollection over the place and the people who have been a part of your life in this season. Treasure up every single day, every person, every experience in these next couple of weeks.

    P.S. I just realized you are from Pace. We have both friends and family who live there! Small world!

  3. Love hearing more about your experiences! It’s so beautiful to see your heart of gratitude shine through your words! And? I’m looking forward to you teaching me how to make ‘the best tortillas!” Love you!