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Flowers and nature bring me such joy!

Wow, it’s already the last week in February! I can hardly believe that. We still don’t know our next country yet (hopefully it will be announced to us soon; it will most likely be Costa Rica or Ecuador!) However, we do know we’re leaving Guatemala at the end of March. *cries*

With that being said, I’ve completed three full weeks of ministry, and I only have three and a half more weeks left (our last week in the country will be spent debriefing our time on the race so far, and will culminate in traveling to our next country). Ahh, I am so not ready for this time to be over!

I believe I would have still had a lot of joy about ministry even without my starting time being delayed due to fundraising, but because I was delayed, I have an incredible amount of joy for each day I get to work with our Guatemala ministry partners, One Way Community!

Through partnership with them, my team has been able to assist in their ministry. This has involved house visits where we’ve been able to listen to homeowners’ stories, pray over them, share words from the Lord with them, and bless them with food bags. We’ve also gotten to help with soccer ministry and reaching out to build trust in a new community, the town of Comalapa, where One Way Community is starting to establish programs.

And, just this week, we got to start helping with kids – so exciting! We’re having the opportunity to do in-home tutoring (following all covid procedures), which is allowing us to interact and stimulate the minds of the children in a fun way, all while showing them God’s love through our actions and with Bible stories and prayer. Covid has been extremely challenging for kids in Guatemala, as schools have been shut down since sometime last year, and online learning isn’t a good solution for most people. It’s really miraculous that One Way Community is able to impact the lives of these children through the tutoring opportunities!

My heart is touched by all the kids I’ve been able to interact with! Even though sometimes the days are long and the tasks challenging or awkward, I’m just so incredibly grateful for this opportunity to serve. I believe God knew exactly what He was doing when I wasn’t able to start ministry at the same time as the rest of my team, back when I was fundraising the rest of my required amount. As hard as it was, I do believe I’ve been blessed with a divine joy during this time. Fear and worry have no place here. Even in the unknown and the hard moments, I am so so blessed to be where I am now.

At various times in the past, I’ve struggled with negativity and discontent. My time in Georgia was one big learning experience on those things. My perspective now is truly a sign that the old has gone and the new has come!

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

Thanks to God’s timing, I’m savoring and treasuring every single day I get to do ministry here in Guatemala. God is so good, and He’s doing big things here – both in us and in the lives of those we are able to impact for His Kingdom! 

Philippians 4:4 says, “Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!”

So, I’m here to remind you to always search for a way to find joy in your circumstances! And when you’re confused by God’s timing, ask yourself, “What is God trying to teach me through this?” He’s sure taught me a lot of joy!

On a final note, my birthday is tomorrow, on the 21st – I’m about to enter a new decade, here in Guatemala, whattt?! Here’s to a new decade of following after the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind.

4 responses to “How I’m Experiencing Joy in God’s Timing”

  1. Happy 20th Birthday Shanan!!!! I miss you so so so so much! I am really happy that you get to do ministry now! So exciting!

  2. Tears of joy for you, sweet girl! It is just to see you walking in freedom! You have a radiant joy about you that is tangible, even through video calls! Hope you are feeling so loved today on your 20th birthday! Miss you big, but am so confident that you are right where you are meant to be!

  3. Shanan, Happy Belated Birthday! I can think of no better way to celebrate than in the context of the Christ-following community where you find yourself right now. Hope it was a special day. Thanks for sharing your latest; ever keeping Gap C in my prayers.
    ~Nathan’s Mama

  4. Hey! Happy Birthday girl! What an amazing attitude of joy and purposeful living making the most of every moment you in Guatemala! We are all at our best when we’re willing to submit to His leading. So excited to know God is leading you in transforming those lives around you. Thanks for sharing.