
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The back view of the YWAM Puerto Viejo base – our home for now!

Since being here in Costa Rica and starting ministry, I’ve found it a struggle to adapt to the new routine in a way that allows me to have balance between ministry or scheduled events and my personal time with God and rest. The schedule has a completely different rhythm than our previous one, which has been a learning curve for me. 

For example, the first couple days of manual labor this week were really good but really hard as well. After the end of those days, I felt burned out and like I hadn’t had a chance to just rest with my thoughts and emotions with the Lord. We had been busy from morning till night, at which point I felt really tired out from the day. After the second day of this, I realized there wasn’t going to be a built-in time for me to spend in rest with the Lord. I was going to have to create a space for him. 

I got up extremely early the next day so I could have an uninterrupted hour with him. During that quiet time, I prayed that He would create a space for me to rest in His presence. I know that He promises His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He says so in Matthew 11:30. Therefore, I shouldn’t be holding this heavy weight. He wants to carry my burdens for me. I’d just been getting too caught up in the busyness of it all, and I’d expected that it would be easy to find a space to spend time with Him.

This realization served as a good reminder that we’re not in a world where being aligned with Christ comes easy. It’s something we have to sacrifice for. Whether that’s through sleeping less or missing out on an opportunity for fun or community, ultimately our intimacy with God has to be the first and utmost priority. Everything else – community and intimacy with others, ministry, change in our character, etc. – comes out of an overflow of our personal intimacy with the Lord. It all starts there. 

Jesus himself prayed for our union with Himself in John 17:20-21.

He says, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one — as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.”

How cool that Jesus prayed for us before we even existed, and that he prayed for our oneness with Him?

Additionally, Jesus regularly withdrew from those around Him to spend time with the Father.

Luke 5:16 says, “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.”

If Jesus – God incarnate – needed to spend alone time with God, in His presence, in communion with Him, how much more do we as His creations need to be refilled and recharged by quiet time with the Lord?

To me, this is a really good heart check of my priorities and purpose in life. I’d like to challenge you today to ask yourself: how are you prioritizing intimacy with the Lord in your life? Are your actions actually reflecting that intimacy with God is the purpose of your life? Remember, everything else flows out of our union with Him. This is a reminder I need daily!

2 responses to “What’s the Big Deal About Priorities?”

  1. Shanan this is so good! Everything we do in this life does flow from our union with Him. I pray that you find that precious time with Him. He loves you so much and He loves the relationship you have with Him!

  2. Shanan, I needed this reminder in this busy spring season! I tend to easily “preach” this lesson to my family without always living it out myself so well. (Ouch – that plank in my eye!) Thanks so much for sharing.